New Fund-raising Campaign
Posted by sbcadmin at August 27th, 2012
The Second Baptist Church of Fayette, Missouri is proud to announce its current fund-raising campaign to fund capital improvements to the Church.
Our goal is to raise $250,000 to implement improvements such as adding handicap accessible restrooms, pastor’s office, classrooms, removing and constructing a new vestibule, stained-glass windows, new Church sign, and a steeple.
Everyone is very excited about the proposed improvements and is working hard to make them a reality.
We will have a “Wall of Faith” plaque that will be displayed in the Church’s vestibule. The plaque will be divided into three (3) sections: $1,000+ across the top, $500 – $999 in the middle sections, and $100 – $499 across the bottom. There are approximately 33 spaces in each section. You can donate funds in memory of or in honor of a loved one.
We would like to invite the community to become involved in our campaign. Your participation in any or all of our fundraising events, as well as any financial donation you would care to make, will help us reach our goal and allow us to implement the planned improvements.
Remember, every donation, large or small, will make a difference!
Thank you in advance for your support.
Rev. Charlie R. Wright, Sr., Pastor

Category: Funding/Support